Can Doctors Be Trusted?
Consumers' Association of Penang
ISBN: 983-104-099-6
Book size: 140 x 110mm
Pages: 48
About the Book
In the book:
- The real causes of medical errors
- Common medical errors
- Medical nightmares in the US
- Dead: From an eardrum surgery
- Higher risk of death than in a plane crash!
- Who’s at higher risk?
- Unnecessary tests and operations
- Be an informed patient
- Doctors DON’T always know best
- What can you do?
Medical errors may be the No. 2 killer in Malaysia / The real causes of medical errors (sidebar) / Common medical errors (sidebar) / More Malaysian cases / Medical nightmares in the US / Dead: From an eardrum surgery / Higher risk of death than in a plane crash! / Who’s at higher risk? / Unnecessary tests and operations / Be an informed patient (sidebar) / CAP’s recommendations / Doctors DON’T always know best / What can you do?