Home Nutrition Garden
Consumers' Association of Penang
ISBN 978-967-5447-37-2
Book size: 170 x 120mm
Pages: 40
About the Book
The home garden is traditionally a very important piece of land for rural households. But as our country developed and became more urbanised these backyard or kitchen gardens took a back seat, forgetting its potential for improving household food security and supply of nutrition.
Home nutrition gardening can enhance food security in several ways. Families would have direct access to a diversity of fresh nutritionally-rich foods, save on food bills, earn extra income from sales of excess garden products and have contingency provision such as chillies and tomatoes during seasonal lean periods.
Why do we need home nutrition garden? / Soil health / Preparing compost / Growth promoters preparation methods / Planting methods / Pest and disease control / Seed treatment / Growing plants points to notice / Methods of planting vegetables / Methods of planting leafy vegetables