Towards a Unitive Life
Author : Shyam Balakrishna
36 pages | Paperback
About the Book
“The essential truth about us is our oneness… Those living in the delusion of a private life are missing the greatest beauty that Nature holds.”
Breath-taking in its sweep, this profound little book offers a Unitive Vision of life that is non-dual in its understanding of Nature, and “fully inclusive of the uniqueness of individuals as well as cultures.”
The book explores the idea of democracy and alienation in depth, and brings out the irreconcilable contradictions between Democracy, Nation-State and Market Economy. It also articulates how the other institutions like family, religion, etc., are shaping and ‘normalizing’ an individual, alienated from fellow beings by ideas of private happiness or liberation. Such delusive and divisive ideas serve as the keystone of an inherently violent system that prevails.
A unitive vision treats ‘the one and the other’ (the individual and fellow beings) as non-dual counterparts of the Existent. It is the necessary answer – proclaimed by the wise women and men of all times and climes – to the current maddening situation. The book also offers glimpses of such a way of life.